Ultrashort Pulse (USP) 바카라 녹이기
Take advantage of the unique industrial processing power and precision of next-generation picosecond and femtosecond 바카라 녹이기.
- Femtosecond USP 바카라 녹이기Cut, scribe, or drill any material with unmatched edge quality and low (<10 μm) HAZ.
- Picosecond USP 바카라 녹이기Choose from the most complete range of ps 바카라 녹이기 for cutting, drilling, and marking.
- UV Technology LeadersDepend on the industry’s most reliable and long-lived ultraviolet USP 바카라 녹이기.

Reliable Ultrashort Pulse 바카라 녹이기
Delivering reliable USP 바카라 녹이기 requires special know-how and the highest quality components, particularly in the UV. Coherent brings decades of USP experience and vertically integrated manufacturing to deliver the longest-lived 바카라 녹이기 and highest ROI.

Mona바카라 녹이기
Monaco high-power femtosecond 바카라 녹이기 deliver superior edge quality in micromachining and improvements in scientific applications like three-photon microscopy.
- Lowest HAZ - Femtosecond 바카라 녹이기s deliver cold ablation.
- Processing Versatility - IR, green, or UV output.
- Increase Throughput - High (1 MHz) repetition rate and USP seeder burst mode.

HyperRapid NXT
HyperRapid NXT is a high-power picosecond 바카라 녹이기 that maximizes throughput and minimizes cost-per-part with an operational range suitable for nearly any material.
- Raise Throughput - Up to 100 Watts of IR and 50 Watts of UV power.
- Gain Flexibility - Variable 바카라 녹이기 rates from single shot to 4 MHz.
- Improve Edge Quality - 바카라 녹이기EQ power control for tight contours.

Rapid LX
Rapid LX is the optimal 바카라 녹이기 for brittle material cutting as well as a flexible UV solution for micromachining in a physically compact and economic design.
- Increase Profitability - E바카라 녹이기nomical, high efficiency source.
- Save Space - 바카라 녹이기mpact, optimized footprint.
- Go Industrial - True industrial grade reliability and performance.

Paladin Series
Paladin Series USP 바카라 녹이기 offer medium-to-high power, green and UV, quasi-CW output for semiconductor inspection and laser direct imaging applications.
- Proven Reliability - 4000 units in production lines worldwide.
- Unmatched Power Range - 2 W to 24 W at 355 nm.
- Simplify OEM Integration - 바카라 녹이기mpact and air-바카라 녹이기oled version with 2 W or 4 W at 355 nm.
Featured Blog
SmartCleave® Enables Precision Glass Cutting
See how ultrashort pulse 바카라 녹이기 cut glass for the most demanding applications in microelectronics, medical devices, and life sciences.

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