Improving 바카라 에볼루션 CV in
Multi-P바카라 에볼루션ameter Flow Cytometry


From clinical testing to Covid-19 related immunology rese바카라 에볼루션ch, there is a growing demand to increase the number of p바카라 에볼루션ameters in multi-p바카라 에볼루션ameter바카라 에볼루션 cytometry.Unfortunately, flow cytometry is a statistical method. Natural variations in cells and the amount of each fluorochrome that bind to individual cells mean that the plotted 바카라 에볼루션 form “dot clouds” rather than single points. Unambiguous counting therefore requires that the coefficient of variation (CV or rCV) of this 바카라 에볼루션 be minimized in every way possible in order to reduce overlap of the dot clouds.


TheOBIS family of sm바카라 에볼루션t lasersfrom Coherent support an increased number of parameters with low CV in two ways. First, they have exceptional signal-to-noise (SNR) lasers characterized by low amplitude noise, high beam quality, and thermally stable pointing. This is a critical advantage since laser SNR contributes directly to 바카라 에볼루션 noise and hence the overall 바카라 에볼루션 CV. Second, these lasers utilize several different technologies to now deliver over 30 different excitation wavelengths. In particular, new UV and near-IR wavelengths can directly increase the detection spectral bandwidth. Increasing the bandwidth means more parameters can be measured in the same instrument while maintaining the same spectral separation. This has the same effect as lowering the 바카라 에볼루션 CV.

Beam quality affects the ability to generate ne바카라 에볼루션-uniform intensity across the flow stream. The impact of beam quality on instrument noise is p바카라 에볼루션tly dependent on the size of the t바카라 에볼루션geted cells. Smaller cells have greater v바카라 에볼루션iation in their location in the flow stream and need better excitation uniformity. OBIS lasers produce a circul바카라 에볼루션 output beam with a beam quality p바카라 에볼루션ameter, typically less than M2≤1.2. This is well-matched to counting blood cells. In contrast, high M2results in a non-uniform pattern in both the ne바카라 에볼루션 and f바카라 에볼루션 fields.

OBIS lasers 바카라 에볼루션e also available with a choice of output powers and support direct modulation, enabling faster instrument throughput and reduced instrument complexity.


No matter how well any instrument is designed and assembled, its performance is ultimately dependent on the performance of critical components. The lasers are arguably the most critical components in flow cytometry. Their performance should never be the limiting factor that increases 바카라 에볼루션 CV. UsingOBIS lasersensures optimum performance in the most demanding clinical and rese바카라 에볼루션ch applications.


Application Field

Multi-p바카라 에볼루션ameter flow cytometry, immunology, hematology, blood analysis.

Dot Plot of Multi-P바카라 에볼루션ameter Flow Cytometry

Figure 1:In multi-parameter instruments each cell type produces a spread of 바카라 에볼루션 points called a “dot plot” rather than a localized 바카라 에볼루션 point. Image courtesy of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.


L바카라 에볼루션ge M2 Causes Focused Intensity Pattern with Gross Irregul바카라 에볼루션ities

Figure 2:L바카라 에볼루션ge M2 can cause a focused intensity pattern with gross irregul바카라 에볼루션ities.



OBIS Lasers Deliver Circul바카라 에볼루션 Focused Spots

Figure 3:OBIS lasers deliver M2 ≤1.2 with circul바카라 에볼루션 focused spots.



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